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Temat: dajcie spokoj zydom
historyk1 napisała: > dajcie spokoj, to sa chorzy ludzie i nie trzeba ich dobijac, maja dosc > genetycznych chorob > > Geneticists study Jewish genes for disease clues > By Megan Goldin > > JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Genetic sleuths in Israel are collecting thousands of > blood samples from Jews of European origin in a race to uncover the genetic > causes of diseases such as schizophrenia, asthma and Parkinson's disease. > > IDgene Pharmaceuticals is so far the only company in Israel with government > approval to study the genetic make-up of Ashkenazi Jews in the hope it could > help them hone in on the genetic causes of common diseases. > > The relatively uniform genes of Ashkenazi Jews are a boon for geneticists who > must sift through three billion human DNA sequences and around 40,000 genes > in their search for the...

Temat: Uwaga osoby z chorobą Crohna!
...nervosa Irritable bowel syndrome Anxiety Juvenile arthritis Asthma Learning disabilities Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Lupus erythromatosus Autoimmune disease Manic depression Bipolar disorder Multiple chemical sensitivities Borderline personality disorder Multiple sclerosis Bulimia Myasthenia gravis Candidiasis Obsessive-compulsive disorder Chronic fatigue Panic attacks Colitis Parkinson's disease Crohn's disease Pervasive developmental disorder Depression Psychosis Endocrine disorders Rheumatoid arthritis Environmental illness Schizophrenia Fibromyalgia Sciatica Food allergies Sleep disorders Yeast syndrome Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment What you can do to get better How your doctor can help by Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD, PE ISBN 0-9676168-0-8...

Temat: Będzie przedszkole dla dzieci z ADHD
...Insomnia Anorexia nervosa Irritable bowel syndrome Anxiety Juvenile arthritis Asthma Learning disabilities Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Lupus erythromatosus Autoimmune disease Manic depression Bipolar disorder Multiple chemical sensitivities Borderline personality disorder Multiple sclerosis Bulimia Myasthenia gravis Candidiasis Obsessive-compulsive disorder Chronic fatigue Panic attacks Colitis Parkinson's disease Crohn's disease Pervasive developmental disorder Depression Psychosis Endocrine disorders Rheumatoid arthritis Environmental illness Schizophrenia Fibromyalgia Sciatica Food allergies Sleep disorders Yeast syndrome Bić psychiatrów po mordzie i patrzeć czy jeszcze kłamia!

Temat: Abp Dziwisz dementuje informacje tygodnika "Bu...
Kardynal Schoenborn potwierdza konanie papieza. Pope nearing death - Cardinal The Pope suffers from Parkinson's Disease and arthritis One of Europe's leading cardinals has said Pope John Paul II is dying. The archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, told Austrian state radio: "The entire world is experiencing a pope who is sick, who is disabled and who is dying - I don't know how near death he is - who is approaching the last days and months of his life." Cardinal Schoenborn is the highest-ranking churchman to publicly say the...

Temat: Kodeks moralny ateistów
Oj Echo, znow dzieliszwlos na czworo. Przeczytaj"The Case of the Frozen Addicts: How the solution of an extraordinary medical mystery spawned a revolution in the understanding and treatment of Parkinson's disease," i nie popisuj sie, ze znasz roznice pomiedzy parkinsonizmem a ch. Parkinsona. To jest zbaczanie z tematu, aby uniknac odpowiedzi na pytanie ktore Ci zadalem, a ilosc ich rosnie: 1. podaj przyklad Absolutu moralnego 2. Dlaczego uwazasz ze relatywizm jest zly 3. Dlaczego odrzucasz Doktryne o Niepoklanym Poczeciu Papiezy, bez uprzedniego sprawdznia: zapytaj jakiegos teologa, moze dowiesz sie czegos ciekawego I...

Temat: dajcie spokoj zydom
dajcie spokoj zydom dajcie spokoj, to sa chorzy ludzie i nie trzeba ich dobijac, maja dosc genetycznych chorob Geneticists study Jewish genes for disease clues By Megan Goldin JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Genetic sleuths in Israel are collecting thousands of blood samples from Jews of European origin in a race to uncover the genetic causes of diseases such as schizophrenia, asthma and Parkinson's disease. IDgene Pharmaceuticals is so far the only company in Israel with government approval to study the genetic make-up of Ashkenazi Jews in the hope it could help them hone in on the genetic causes of common diseases. The relatively uniform genes of Ashkenazi Jews are a boon for geneticists who must sift through three billion human DNA sequences and around 40,000 genes in their search for the genetic causes of common and often...

Temat: Kiedy kierunek studiów 'neuroscience' będzie dostępny w Polsce?
...and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission, Fall 2003 9.150   Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission, Fall 2003 9.16    Cellular Neurophysiology, Spring 2002 9.18    Developmental Neurobiology, Spring 2005 9.181J  Developmental Neurobiology, Spring 2005 9.19J   Cognitive & Behavioral Genetics, Spring 2001 9.301J  Neural Plasticity in Learning and Development, Spring 2002 9.458   Parkinson's Disease Workshop, Summer 2006 NEW 9.459   Scene Understanding Symposium, Spring 2006 NEW 9.52-C  Computational Cognitive Science, Spring 2003 9.56J   Abnormal Language, Fall 2004 9.660J  Computational Cognitive Science, Fall 2004 9.66J   Computational Cognitive Science, Fall 2004 9.67    Object and Face Recognition, Spring 2001 9.69    Foundations of Cognition, Spring 2003 9.912  ...

Temat: Zbyt doskonały zabójca
Cenzor co? He he he Oto fragmenty z dwoch publikacji na ten temat: According to Dr Shyh-Ching Lo, senior researcher at The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and one of America's top mycoplasma researchers, this disease agent causes many illnesses including AIDS, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn's colitis, Type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Wegener's disease and collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's. Dr Charles Engel, who is with the US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, stated the following at an NIH meeting on February 7, 2000: "I am now of the view that the probable cause of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia is the mycoplasma..." I have all the official documents to prove that...

Temat: "Sezon na Kleszcza" cz druga
...slurred her words after being introduced by Frankie Avalon, some in the audience were shocked. They assumed she was drunk. An alcoholic. In reality, she had recently been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a progressively degenerative disease. Ms. Funicello was trying to hide her disease, but when the rumors became worse than the truth, she was forced to go public with her illness. Michael J. Fox worked hard to conceal the symptoms of his gradually worsening Parkinson's Disease as well. If he had a spasm as his limousine was pulling up to a red-carpet event, he'd tell the driver to go around the block until he could get himself under control. When Mr. Fox finally "let it all hang out" on camera last fall, Rush Limbaugh suggested he was "exaggerating" or that he had stopped taking his medication to make his condition look worse. These two beloved actors, particularly Mr. Fox, have been in the...

Temat: Bunt L. **
Bunt L. ** free downloadable woodworking plans and tylenol killer and acai plus distributor and irs payment plan and parkinson's disease stem cell human trials

Temat: O dobrodziejstwach patentowania wiedzy
...czy "journal". Obawiam się, że Twoje zaklęcia to trochę mało | żeby zrobić z tego artyklułu tekst o problemach z peer-review. | Gdybyś miał jakiekolwiek pojęcie o nauce wiedziałbyś, że o tym na | przykład mowa w akapicie: | Measuring productivity, in general, is a difficult thing. In science it | is nigh impossible. How can you tell whether an idle experiment in a | basement lab somewhere is going to pay off one day with a cure for | Parkinson's disease or ALS? You can't. And yet scientists try to | measure their own scientific "output" all the time, and the unit of | measurement is the number of papers that run in top-tier journals. | Publish a lot in, say, Nature or Cell, and chances are you'll get your | grant or tenure. It's a crude measure, but one that's quietly accepted | in academic circles.  ;)))) I ten jeden akapit na pięćdziesiąt sprawia, że jest to artykuł o...

Temat: Czy zygota ma duszę?
...Genetic Diseases Last Update: October 16, 2007 Family Tree DNA: Genetic Testing Service Get genetically tested to discover your relationship to other families, other Jews, and other ethnic groups Studies on Jewish genetic diseases (with special attention on studies that help to confirm Jewish origins, relationships, and migrations) Laurie J. Ozelius, Geetha Senthil, R. Saunders-Pullman, E. Ohmann, et al., "LRRK2 G2019S as a Cause of Parkinson's Disease in Ashkenazi Jews." The New England Journal of Medicine 354:4 (January 26, 2006): 424-425. Excerpts: "... We screened 120 unrelated Ashkenazi Jewish patients with

Temat: O dobrodziejstwach patentowania wiedzy
...  This combination of open exchange and fervent competition between great   researchers helps bring about scientific advances. And when the system   works, the sum of each contribution is greater than the whole. lub ten akapit:   Measuring productivity, in general, is a difficult thing. In science it   is nigh impossible. How can you tell whether an idle experiment in a   basement lab somewhere is going to pay off one day with a cure for   Parkinson's disease or ALS? You can't. And yet scientists try to   measure their own scientific "output" all the time, and the unit of   measurement is the number of papers that run in top-tier journals.   Publish a lot in, say, Nature or Cell, and chances are you'll get your   grant or tenure. It's a crude measure, but one that's quietly accepted   in academic circles. stanowią dowód na to, że "sygnalizowanym [w...

Temat: Zrywaja umowe z firma izraelska na znak protestu
...side effects of the exisiting vaccine. Two Israelis received the 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Doctors Ciechanover and Hershko's research and discovery of one of the human cells most important cyclical processes will lead the way to DNA repair, control of newly produced proteins, and immune defense systems. The Movement Disorder Surgery program at Israel's Hadassah Medical Center has successfully eliminated the physical manifestations of Parkinson's disease in a select group of patients with a deep brain stimulation technique. For women who undergo hysterectomies each year for the treatment of uterine fibroids, the development in Israel of the ExAblate 2000 System is a welcome breakthrough, offering a non-invasive alternative to surgery. Israel is developing a nose drop that will provide a five year flu vaccine. These are just a few of the projects that you can help stop...

Temat: Artykuł powtórka z Atkinsa (ratunku :()
...cutting edge of nutritional science. Exercising individuals may not suffer from the effects of caffeine induced insulin resistance like their sedentary counterparts. Caffeine has been repeatedly shown to preserve muscle glycogen during exercise, to improve mental focus independent of and during exercise, to improve exercise performance, to combat fatigue, to raise metabolic rate, to possess antioxidant properties, and it might even help prevent Parkinson's disease and certain cancers. Nic dziwnego,ze jest tyle kontrowersji zwiazanych z kawa.Jedni musza uwazac na kawe inni nie.Zalezy od osoby, dawki,kombinacji:kawa+carbo. Podobnie jest z oslawionym "przyplywem energii" na diecie Atkinsa. Im gorsza ktos ma forme i wieksza nadwage przed dieta tym wiekszy ma "przyplyw energii".U wyczynowcow "przyplyw energii" jest ujemny rzedu 30-50%. Przy...

Temat: Dla mnie Karol Wojtyła jest przykładem klęski.
...John Paul II is suffering from a very high fever caused by a urinary tract infection, the Vatican has said in a statement. /.../ The statement came after Italian media reported his condition was worsening. The 84-year-old pontiff is being fed through a nasal tube to aid his recovery from throat surgery last month, the Vatican said on Wednesday. /.../ He developed breathing troubles and has difficulty in swallowing as a result of the progress of Parkinson's Disease, an incurable condition from which he has been suffering for nearly a decade..."

Temat: Zydowskie Gazety w USA, Ani slowa o Papiezu w PL??
...up the stairs to the plane, people in the crowd chanted, "Stay with us! Stay with us!" He did, but only for a minute, pausing on the landing and turning to wave before disappearing into the plane. In 1997 and again in 1999, the pope's visits to Poland touched off speculation and commentary about the possibility that he was bidding a final farewell, that he could not survive his ailments for long. Now 82, he struggles visibly against the ravages of Parkinson's disease. But during this visit, the pope himself seemed to dwell ever so briefly on his mortality, occasionally acknowledging his physical weakness and making a plea for strength. This morning, during a Mass at a monastery about 30 miles southwest of Cracow, in the foothills of the Tatra Mountains, he prayed aloud for the "strength in body and spirit that I may carry out to the end the mission given me by the risen Lord."...

Temat: Podczerwień
...grypo-łamania_w_kosciach. Kwestia puryzmu, w tym medycznego, dotyczącego różnic w: etiologii, przebiegu, rokowaniu.  Napisałeś wiersz o afazji, o ch. Alzheimer'a czy o demencji? Dementia is a condition of impairment of memory, intellect, personality, and insight resulting from brain injury or disease. Some forms of dementia are progressive, such as Alzheimer's disease, Picks disease, or some forms of Parkinson's disease. Language impairments are more or less prominent in different forms of dementia, but these are usually overshadowed by more widespread intellectual loss. Since dementia is so often a progressive disorder, the prognosis is quite different from aphasia. kama: ## (jesli) zapominanie (postepujaca afazja) odbywa sie stopniowo(...) I również: ---------------- "kama" < Data: 23 grudnia 2001 13:03:08 W...

Temat: fast food - ile w nim tajemnic:D chorobe/y serca'. Wyszedl nonsens, nie wiem jak to '-ace'nazywa sie gramatycznie ale to nawet nie jest strona bierna. edavenpo zmienila na: uzaleznienie otylych KTORZY cierpia czyli addiction of obese people WHO SUFFER (czas terazniejszy bo mowisz o sytuacji ogolnej). Dlaczego disease jest w l.poj? Tak naprawde to nie wiem, ale slowa 'disease, sickness, illness' czesto sa czescia skladowa nazwy/okreslenia danej choroby np: sea sickness, Parkinson's Disease, mental illness. Pewnie tak jak fruit i fruits co mi dobrzy ludzie tlumaczyli ale wyraznie tego rozumem nie ogarnelam. Uzywa sie l.pojedynczej w przewarzajacej ilosci przypadkow (Bryt) > "food belongs to the group of world plagues." > Nie mówi się tak w angielskim - "należy do grupy czegośtam"? Mowi ale nie tu. Jesli cos jest dla ciebie blogoslawienstwem, to jest b-em anie nalezy do grupy...

Temat: jeszcze jeden plus karmiania piersia
...into multiple cell types. "We already know how breastmilk provides for the baby's nutritional needs, but we are only just beginning to understand that it probably performs many other functions," says Cregan. He is eager to see major changes in the next few years as scientists harvest these stem cells, in a completely ethical manner, to research treatment for conditions such as autoimmune diseases, cancer, spinal injuries, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease.

Temat: 92 symptomy zatruc Aspartamem
...death, depression, diarrhea, headaches/migraines, hearing loss, heart palpitations, hives (urticaria), hypertension, impotency and sexual problems, memory loss, menstrual problems or changes, nausea or vomiting, slurring of speech, tremors, tinnitus, vertigo and/or vision loss." The lawsuit also states, "Further, Aspartame disease mimics symptoms or worsens the following diseases: Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Lupus, Diabetes and diabetic complications, Epilepsy, Alzheimer's Disease, birth defects, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lymphoma, Lyme Disease, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Panic Disorder, Depression and other psychological disorders." Further allegations include, "G.D. Searle denied knowledge of/or involvement with the initiation, design or performance of the study. Yet, the false results...

Temat: Papiez na respitatorze, nie bedzie mogl mowic...
...breathing problems similar to those that sent him to Gemelli on Feb. 1 for a 10-day stay, and Italian news reports said the latest respiratory crisis was even more severe than the first one. An outside medical expert said the fact the pope was hooked up to a respirator was an ominous sign. "The fact that he is on a respirator is not good. The fact that he was readmitted so quickly is not good. All this suggests there's a serious problem," said Dr. Michael Kaplitt, a Parkinson's disease expert at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Navarro-Valls said the pope had been informed of his situation and gave approval for the operation. John Paul's flu symptoms had worsened in recent days with renewed respiratory problems, leading to the decision to perform the tracheotomy, the spokesman said. Before the operation, the pope was well enough to joke with his medical team, Letta said. When doctors told...

Temat: Mecz Polonia - Buducnost pokaże telewizja, ale...
Mecz Polonia - Buducnost pokaże telewizja, ale... acai palm and acai burn distributers and acai berry and parkinson's disease and mukilteo wa acai berry and acai berry available at drugstores

PAPIEZ W SZPITALU!! VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope John Paul (news - web sites) was rushed to a Rome hospital on Tuesday night suffering from an acute infection of the respiratory tract, the Vatican (news - web sites) said on Tuesday. The Vatican's deputy spokesman Father Ciro Benedettini told Reuters the 84- year-old Pope, who also suffers from Parkinson's disease (news - web sites), was taken to the Gemelli hospital just before 11.00 p.m. (1700 EST).

Temat: O dobrodziejstwach patentowania wiedzy
..."peer-review" czy "journal". Obawiam się, że Twoje zaklęcia to trochę mało żeby zrobić z tego artyklułu tekst o problemach z peer-review. Gdybyś miał jakiekolwiek pojęcie o nauce wiedziałbyś, że o tym na przykład mowa w akapicie: Measuring productivity, in general, is a difficult thing. In science it is nigh impossible. How can you tell whether an idle experiment in a basement lab somewhere is going to pay off one day with a cure for Parkinson's disease or ALS? You can't. And yet scientists try to measure their own scientific "output" all the time, and the unit of measurement is the number of papers that run in top-tier journals. Publish a lot in, say, Nature or Cell, and chances are you'll get your grant or tenure. It's a crude measure, but one that's quietly accepted in academic circles.

Temat: Folding @ Home - distributed computing for Linux
...Before proteins can carry out their biochemical function, they remarkably assemble themselves, or "fold." The process of protein folding, while critical and fundamental to virtually all of biology, remains a mystery. Moreover, perhaps not surprisingly, when proteins do not fold correctly (i.e. "misfold"), there can be serious effects, including many well known diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, and Parkinson's disease. How can you help? You can help our project by downloading and running our client software. Our algorithms are designed such that for every computer that joins the project, we get a commensurate increase in simulation speed. After downloading Folding@home client, enter (click configure - team number) team number : 163 which is number of LINUX team. Send this post to all your LINUX friends! United Power of Linux

Temat: poczatek zalamania rynku obligacji?
...people at a time were allowed to enter the branch. Customers became infuriated, and police told them to behave or face arrest. Officers stood by at some other branches around Southern California, but there were no reports of problems. IndyMac has 33 retail branches, all in Southern California. Ruben and Rosalie Uranga were among the hundreds of people who waited in line for hours Monday in Pasadena. Ruben Uranga, a former construction worker, has Parkinson's disease. The retired couple said they chose to deposit the money they made from selling a home because of IndyMac's advertised high interest rate. They invested less than $100,000 —an amount that is fully insured—but didn't want to take a chance of leaving it in the failed bank. "Even if it's the government rnnning the bank now, something could happen. Why take a chance?" Rosalie Uranga said....

Temat: Już pojutrze: VII kongres PTBUN w Krakowie
Już w środę, 7 września, rozpoczyna się VII Międzynarodowy Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Badania Układu Nerwowego (Polish Neuroscience Society). Konferencja ma trwać do soboty. Planowane są następujące sympozja: -Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors: Role in Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection -Proteomics in Neurosciences -Neuronal Mechanism of Mammalian Circadian Timing System -Neuronal Mechanisms Involved in Parkinson's Disease -Animal Behaviour and Its Neural Mechanisms -Animal Models of Brain Disorders -The Neural Correlates of Cognitive Function in Man -Functional Plasticity of the Cerebral Cortex -Molecular Basis of Opioid Addiction -Development and Evolution of the Neocortex -Mechanisms Of Hippocampal Plasticity -Neuroplasticity and Neurorehabilitation -Behavioral Genetics - Genetic Basis of Neurophysiology and Behavior -Neural Differentiation...

Temat: czy tyciarka mozna nazwac " GLISTA " ?
...cause the vast majority of dementias in the elderly. In vascular dementia, symptoms are caused by long-term reductions in the supply of blood to the brain. Alzheimer's disease and multi-infarct dementia sometimes occur together. Other possible causes of dementia-like symptoms include infections, drug interactions, metabolic or nutritional disorders, brain tumours, depression, or another progressive diseases like Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease. Dementia is also a symptom seen in AIDS patients in the more advanced stages of illness.

Temat: Dlaczego Hitler nienawidził Żydów?
Rozważania "dlaczego ?" w wypadku Hitlera są bezprzedmiotowe. Szukano "tego jednego, jedynego Żyda" w jego biografii, nie znaleziono. Nienawidził nie tylko Żydów. Był chory, i to bardzo ciężko. To był szajbus, dla którego jedynym właściwym miejscem był zamknięty zakład. Por: Abraham Lieberman, "Hitler, Parkinson's disease and history", Constantin von Economo, "Die Encephalitis Lethargica" Mariusz Kuleta, "Tańcząc z panną Garbo"
