Mount Power palm trees Index pas słucki passat blue paweł herod

Oferty banków – lokaty, kredyty, waluty

Temat: TU Luka wrocilam cala i zywa !!!!
...tyl ...pod czadorami nosza w siwie ponoc ( ??) duze ilosci srebrnej bizuterii ... cala Siwa jest bb biedna i bardzo ortodoksyjna ( jaki to INNY swiat w porownaniu z Kairem !!!!!!!!, z ktorego przyjechalismy do Siwy), w calej Siwie zakaz sprzedazy a nawet wwozu alkoholu ...nawet sziszy pala niewiele : ), w samej Siwie samochodow jak na lekarstwo, glownie jeepy hotelowe, glownym srodkiem transportu sa osiolkowe taksowki : ). w siwie polecam z czystym sumieniem Palm Trees Hotel za 22 LE za 2 osoby z lazienka i cudnym widokiem na gaj palmowy .... bbb czysty i zadbany Pozdrawiam asia AAA z Siwy do Alex sa 3 autobusy o 7, 10 oraz 22. ten ostatni jest chyba najsensowniejszy, bo w tym o 10.00 , ktorym jechalismy po godzinie zepsula sie klimatyzacja, co w przypadku 22 nie jest tak bolesne ... ; )

Temat: Święta bez ''Szklanej pułapki''?
ARGYLE (popping in a cassette) Mind if I play some tunes? A hard RAP SONG blasts from the speakers. MCCLANE How 'bout some Christmas music? ARGYLE That is Christmas music. And damned it if isn't, the Fat Boys of Run DMC doing a revisionist number on WHITE CHRISTMAS or something. McClane gives up, looks out the window. HIS P.O.V. Convertibles with Christmas trees in their back seats, Time/Temperature signs which reads: 69 degrees, palm trees trimmed in Christmas lights, intermittent West side token "Happy Chanukahs" is clear that Christmas L.A. style has its own unique style.

Temat: czy jest piekniejsze miejsce niz Wieliczka,,2-10-1460_1547794,00.html są konkretne i jak najbardziej logiczne. Oto one, w mojej swobodnej kompilacji. 1) Why weren't the bridges of the Tigris blown up when the American tanks approached Baghdad? 2) Why weren't Iraqi aviation and tanks used, and where are they now? 3) Why was there an immediate ceasefire? 4) Why was there practically no resistance a year ago? 5) They showed two soldiers with guns with palm trees in the background near the hole (where Saddam was reportedly hiding). At that time of year, date palms are never in bloom. 6) Finally, any man can tell you that such a long beard (as Saddam had when he was reportedly caught) could not grow in seven months. 1) Dlaczego mosty na rzece Tygrys nie zostały wysadzone kiedy, Amerykańskie czołgi zbliżały się do Bagdadu ? 2) Dlaczego nie było w działaniach wojennych użyte Irackie...

Temat: kocio, smutno, beznadziejnie
...was on the second floor facing the sea. It also faced the public garden and the war monument. There were big palms and green benches in the public garden. In the good weather there was always an artist with his easel. Artists liked the way the palms grew and the bright colors of the hotels facing the gardens and the sea. Italians came from a long way off to look up at the war monument. It was made of bronze and glistened in the rain. It was raining. The rain dripped from the palm trees. Water stood in pools on the gravel paths. The sea broke in a long line in the rain and slipped back down the beach to come up and break again in a long line in the rain. The motor cars were gone from the square by the war monument. Across the square in the doorway of the cafĂŠ a waiter stood looking out of the empty square. The American wife stood at the window looking out. Outside right under their window a cat was crouched under one of the dripping green...

Temat: Walki w Nasirija - tlumaczenie z ang. DLUGIE
...machine on the move. Nobody waved. Slowly we approached the first bridge. Fires were raging on either side of the road; Cobras had destroyed an Iraqi military truck and a T55 tank positioned inside a dugout. Powerful explosions came from inside the bowels of the tank as its ammunition and heavy shells were set off by the fire. With each explosion a thick and perfect ring of black smoke ring puffed out of the turret. An Iraqi defence post lay abandoned. Cobras flew over an oasis of palm trees and deserted brick and mud-caked houses. We charged onto the bridge, and as we crossed the Euphrates, a large mural of Saddam came into view. Some marines reached for their disposable cameras. Suddenly, as we approached ambush alley on the far side of the bridge, the crackle of AK-47s broke out. Our AAVs began to zigzag to avoid being hit by a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG). The road widened out to a square, with a mosque and the portrait of Saddam on the...

Temat: Dzien niepodleglosci July, a weather map in the "USA Today" paper shows a mid-winter thermograph. Continuity: The position of Abraham Lincoln's head on the table when President Whitmore is looking out the window of the Oval Office. Continuity: Hiller opens the newspaper without removing the ribbon tied around it. Continuity: The left epaulet on Hiller's uniform as he talks to his girlfriend outside his house. Continuity: The firestorm that rages through the tunnel leaves two palm trees unaffected at the exit of the tunnel. Factual errors: A firestorm of that size in a tunnel would consume all of the oxygen, asphyxiating any person not burnt to death. Continuity: The Stealth bomber after firing the nuclear missile at one of the alien ships banks to its left, but on the satellite map is seen to be turning to the right. Continuity: The title of the countdown clock window on Levinson's PowerBook changes from "Remain Time" to...

Temat: O kradzeniu cudzej ziemi na przeludnionej planecie
...Israel handed over security control to the Palestinians in the West Bank town of Tulkarm, a hotbed of Palestinian militants. Last month Israel agreed to transfer security control of five Palestinian towns in the West Bank, and Tulkarm is the second one to be handed over, after Jericho last week. The Maale Adumim settlement, with nearly 30,000 residents, a spacious shopping mall that includes Blockbuster Video and Ace Hardware, and streets lined with palm trees and flower beds in full bloom, already resembles a well-ordered suburb in the hills a few miles east of Jerusalem. Residents welcomed the planned expansion as a natural development for the fast- growing settlement. "This is very good news," said Roni Hai, 52, a taxi driver and a 20-year resident. "We just keep getting bigger and bigger." Cranes, bulldozers and trucks were all in motion on Monday, working on dozens...

Temat: Słucham staroci
...un hombre sincero, de donde crecen las palmas Y antes de morirme quiero echar mis versos del alma Guantanamera, guajira, Guantanamera Guantanamera, guajira, Guantanamera Mi verso es de un verde claro y de un carmin encendido Mi verso es de un verde claro y de un carmin encendido Mi verso es un ciervo herido que busca en el monte amparo Guantanamera, guajira, Guantanamera Guantanamera, guajira, Guantanamera I am a truthful man from this land of palm trees Before dying I want to share these poems of my soul My verses are light green but they are also flaming red I cultivate a rose in June and in January For the sincere friend who gives me his hand And for the cruel one who would tear out this heart with which I live I do not cultivate thistles nor nettles I cultivate a white rose Cultivo la rosa blanca en junio como en enero Cultivo la rosa blanca en junio como en enero Para el amigo sincero que me da su...

Temat: Sugarcult - Palm Trees and Power Lines (2004)
Sugarcult - Palm Trees and Power Lines (2004) 1. She's the Blade 2. Crying 3. Memory 4. Worst December 5. Back to California 6. Destination 7. Champagne 8. What You Say 9. Over 10. Head Up 11. Counting Stars 12. Sign Off

Temat: Woda
...Fragment: Beyond the barren Judean Mountain range, east from Jerusalem, lies the Jordan Valley, an area which receives almost no media coverage, despite being home to 52,000 Palestinians and accounting for 30% of West Bank territory. I am taken there by Stop the Wall campaign, in a battered mini bus with Egyptian music blaring out of the radio and the blazing heat burning our skin through the window. As we drop down from the mountains vast plantations of palm trees, citrus fruits and grape vines stretch as far as the eye can see. Every plantation is also surrounded by electrical fencing, barbed wire and "Danger" signs, because these oases of intensive production have been created on stolen land, grown by over-exploitation of water, farmed and owned by illegal settlers. The lack of international attention means the land grab in the Valley goes unnoticed, for despite being on the Jordanian side of...

Temat: Wiersze ktore wami wstrząsneły !!!
...w czerwcu. Moze znajde czas na ksiegarnie choc po tylu latach pewnie spedze wiekszosc czasu na zwiedzaniu Rodziny. Ale jesli uznasz ze mozesz wyslac na adres gazetowy to poprosze o tlumaczenie Mandalay. Odwzajemniam sie Kiplingiem (glownie dla niezdecydowanych) ktorego Ty i Hajota macie w domu ale wierszyk jest ladny: By the old Moulmein Pagoda, lookin' lazy at the sea, There's a Burma girl a-settin', and I know she thinks o' me; For the wind is in the palm-trees, and the temple-bells they say; "Come you back, you British Soldier; come you back to Mandalay!" Come you back to Mandalay, Where the old Flotilla lay; Can't you 'ear their paddles clunkin' from Rangoon to Mandalay? On the road to Mandalay, Where the flyin'-fishes play, An' the dawn comes up like thunder outer China 'crost the Bay! 'Er petticoat was yaller an' 'er little cap was green, An' 'er name was Supi-Yaw-Lat jes'...

Temat: New Heights - Worlds EP [2008]
Tracklista: ----------------------------------- 01. We Are The Ones 3:00 02. Neverchanging 3:14 03. Hold On 3:58 04. Save (Feat. Matt Bekker) 3:20 05. Silver Lines To Palm Trees 4:23 -----------------------------------

Temat: Irak... tak/nie?
...and Auburn. The mixed businesses and restaurants which have sprung up at the southern end of Auburn Road have added a touch of Baghdad to the row of shops known locally as "Little Istanbul". "What do I miss about Iraq?" ponders Mustafa Alkersani, who runs the bustling Dijlah corner store and sells Iraqi treats of date syrup, crusty Iraqi breads and date and sesame biscuits. "I miss everything, even the dirt, the trees, the palm trees, the skies." Alkersani, a Shi'ite, added: "They can take Saddam personally for sure, but I don't want Iraqis killed." He was jailed for six years when Saddam repressed an uprising in the south. His two brothers are missing, presumed dead. After his release, he fled to Syria with his wife and two daughters and applied for refugee status, arriving in Australia in 1999. Down the road, in a clothing shop, Hosam Alzamily...

Temat: palm trees and batman wannabezzzzzzz
palm trees and batman wannabezzzzzzz Jak sie przekonac ze sie juz prawdziwie zasymilowale ze spoleczenstwem ostatniego imperium? Prosta sprawa, poznac to mozna mianowiecie po wyborze sody, popa, czyli kolejnej niesmiertelnej kontrybucji wszechogarniajacego kiczu amerykanskiego znanego jako takiego od niedawna napoju chlodzecego.

Temat: Don Caballero - World Class Listening Problem
Tracklisting 1 :: 5:54 :: Mmmmm Acting, I Love Me Some Good Acting 2 :: 5:19 :: Sure We Had Knives Around 3 :: 4:15 :: And And And, He Lowered The Twin Down 4 :: 4:32 :: I Agree... No!... I Disagree 5 :: 3:54 :: Palm Trees In The Fecking Bahamas 6 :: 4:50 :: World Class Listening Problem 7 :: 5:18 :: Railroad Cancellation 8 :: 1:49 :: Theme From Bricktop Clowns 9 :: 4:42 :: Savage Composition 10 :: 4:35 :: I'm Goofballs For Bozo Jazz

Temat: Fr. Penitents Blancs
pollution-proof palm trees palmy odporne na zanieczyszczenia <adobrowol@poczta.onet.plwrote in message | <adobrowol@poczta.onet.plwrote in message | | Czy ktoś może wie coś bliższego na temat francuskiego bractwa o tej | nazwie? Czy | [...] | Polsku. Pokutnicy Biali? | Tak | Będę wdzięczna za wszelkie uwagi. | Patrz np: | Czy dziś jeszcze działają? A jakże. Np. w Nicei. | Pozdrawiam - MB Przepraszam, że...

Temat: Fr. Penitents Blancs Czy dziś jeszcze działają? A jakże. Np. w Nicei. Pozdrawiam - MB Przepraszam, że odpowiadam tutaj, a nie na priva, ale nie udało mi się z powodu zapchanej skrzynki. Bardzo dziękuję za propozycję pomocy i chętnie skorzystam. Przy okazji pozdrawiam wszystkich i wrzucam pytanie o palmy, właśnie te rosnące w Nicei, w pobliżu lotniska. Spotkałam się mianowicie z określeniem: "pollution- proof palm trees", które mnie zaintrygowało. Wiem, że Nicea obfituje w palmy, ale czy ma to związek z jakimś specjalnym programem obsadzania miasta tymi drzewami, aby zneutralizować zanieczyszczenie środowiska? Czy są to jakieś specjalne gatunki, bardziej odporne na zanieczyszczenia niż inne? Czy też chodzi o to, że generalnie zieleń stanowi przeciwwagę dla zanieczyszczeń, albo o to, że palmy, lepiej niż inne drzewa, przystosowją się...

Temat: Pollution-proof palm trees
| ...he turned off into the tangled spaghetti of airport side roads, past | pollution-proof palm trees and up to the gleeming modern blockhouses... | Chodzi o Niceę. Wiem, że to miasto obfituje w palmy, | ale czy ma to związek z jakimś specjalnym programem obsadzania go tymi | drzewami, aby zneutralizować zanieczyszczenie środowiska? Czy są to może jakieś | specjalne gatunki, bardziej odporne na zanieczyszczenia niż inne? Czy też | chodzi o to, że generalnie zieleń stanowi przeciwwagę dla zanieczyszczeń, albo | o to, że palmy, lepiej...

Temat: Oh Jerusalem.......
...walls. They're still shooting at us. The Israeli tanks are at the entrance to the Old City, and ahead we go, through the Lion's Gate. I'm with the first unit to break through into the Old City. There is a Jordanian bus next to me, totally burnt; it is very hot here. We're about to enter the Old City itself. We're standing below the Lion's Gate, the Gate is about to come crashing down, probably because of the previous shelling. Soldiers are taking cover next to the palm trees; I'm also staying close to one of the trees. We're getting further and further into the City. Colonel Motta Gur announces on the army wireless: The Temple Mount is in our hands! I repeat, the Temple Mount is in our hands! All forces, stop firing! This is the David Operations Room. All forces, stop firing! I repeat, all forces, stop firing! Over. Commander eight-nine here, is this Motta (Gur) talking? Over. Uzi Narkiss: Motta, there isn't...

Temat: 2tyg na zach. USA - jaką proponujecie trasę
Chyba powinnas mi wierzyc z tymi palmami .... Sama zobacz: Palm+Trees&FORM=MFEIMG&PUBL=Google&CREA=userid17436aa28a0b064fd4d9c9ce42753e9e5d55c Co do rozrywek, tylko liznelas powierzchnie. Kazde z wiekszych kasyn ma dosc atrakcji na kilka dni; a kasyn jest bez liku. Na strip, w Downtown, i na peryferiach ... Wlasnie w tym tygodniu otwieraja pierwsza faze nowego kompleksu "City Center" na Strip (LV Boulevard). Mimo kryzysu ... ta czesc kosztuje $4,500,000,000. Ale inne nowe...

Temat: Burnout 3 Takedown
...Up" (from From the Ashes) * The Ramones - "I Wanna Be Sedated" (from Road to Ruin) * Reggie and the Full Effect - "Congratulations Smack and Katy" (from Under the Tray) * Rise Against - "Paper Wings" (from Siren Song of the Counter Culture) * Sahara Hotnights - "Hot Night Crash" (from Kiss & Tell) * Silent Drive - "4/16" (from Love Is Worth It) * Sugarcult - "Memory" (from Palm Trees and Power Lines) * The Bouncing Souls - "Sing Along Forever" (from Anchors Aweigh) * The D4 - "Come On!" (from 6twenty) * The Donots - "Saccharine Smile" (from Amplify the Good Times) * The Explosion - "Here I Am" (from Black Tape) * The F-Ups - "Lazy Generation*" (from The F-Ups)[1] * The Futureheads - "Decent Days and Nights" (from The Futureheads) * The Lot Six -...

Temat: SNOBKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...walk aroud buffed up like beach girls But they don't put no fear in these eyes Besides, I'm just here to teach lives Boy walk around, try to give me the slide The ice on my arm it gave me all away I roll up the tint top up and rode away I smell like money, let the odor stay Go in my closet, fur to throw away I'm never lost I already know the way If I need it for tonight I'll get it for today Home pool, arcade and it's all paid What say, I spend a third on a upgrade Import palm trees 'cuz I ain't have enough shade

Temat: SUV and white crosses...
Nie :-) Za Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: Along: 1 from one place on something such as a line, road, or edge towards the other end of it We were driving along Follyfoot Road. She glanced anxiously along the line of faces. He slid his hand along her arm. 2 forming a line beside something long The palm trees along the shore swayed in the wind. the toolbar along the top of your screen There were cheering crowds all along Pennsylvania Avenue. ergo - z tego sformulowania nie mozna wywnioskowac, czy chodzi o pobocze czy o sama droge. A roadside wczesniej w artykule tyczy sie miejsca pobytu (rozbijania namiotow, przebywania itd) demonstrantow, nie krzyzy. Wiec nie kloc sie ;-) Ja nie twierdze ze byly na drodze a nie na poboczu. Twierdze, ze na...

Temat: ha ho hitanie od nowa...:-)))
...what to do with him. On one hand, he gave a lot of charity, but on the other hand, he created Microsoft Windows which is a terrible operating system. So God decided to give Bill a choice, let him decide whether he wanted to go to heaven or hell. "Well, what are heaven and hell like?" asks Gates. God takes Bill Gates to heaven where he sees a bunch of rabbis pouring over Talmudic texts. Then, he takes him to hell where he sees a beautiful beach with palm trees. Without giving it much thought, Gates concludes, "I'll take hell." A couple days later, God goes down to see how Gates is doing, and he's furious. "I'm burning to a crisp down here! This isn't what I saw before!" To which God replies, "I'm sorry, you must have seen a screen saver!"

Temat: >>> CZY KTOŚ MA ? <<<
...In my bosom, O Satan, When that god it defies, On whom guilty pontiffs And cruel kings call; Men's minds thou so shakest As when lightenings fall. Ahriman and Adonis, Astarte, to thee, Canvas, marble and paper All lived and were free When Venus new risen From billowing seas Serenely made happy Ionia's breeze. On Lebanon quivered The trees at thy name, When to gentle Cypria Her risen love came. Thee chorus and dances In joy celebrate, Love pure and virginal To thee dedicate Mid the palm-trees fragrant Of Araby's land, Where whitens the sea-foam On Cyprian strand. What matter if fury Of fierce Nazarene From ritual barbaric Of love-feast obscene. Hath set with blest torches The temples on fire, And Argolis' idols Hath hurled in the mire.  In cottages lowly A refuge dost find, Amid household Lares Folk keep thee in mind. The God and the lover A woman's warm breast With his ardent spirit Once having possessed, Thou turnest the witch Whom long...

Temat: SUV and white crosses...
dragger napisał: > Za Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: > Along: > 1 > from one place on something such as a line, road, or edge towards the other end > of it > We were driving along Follyfoot Road. She glanced anxiously along the line of f > aces. He slid his hand along her arm. > 2 > forming a line beside something long > The palm trees along the shore swayed in the wind. the toolbar along the top of > your screen There were cheering crowds all along Pennsylvania Avenue. > > > ergo - z tego sformulowania nie mozna wywnioskowac, czy chodzi o pobocze czy o > sama droge. > > A roadside wczesniej w artykule tyczy sie miejsca pobytu (rozbijania namiotow, > przebywania itd) demonstrantow, nie krzyzy. > > Wiec nie kloc sie ;-) Ja...

Temat: O iraku - warto przeczytac ( po angielsku )
... "They should not set up military posts in residential areas. They should stay on the outskirts of Baghdad," said an Iraqi policeman, feeling a keen sense of impotence to ease his countrymen's distress.    In Baqubah, 70 kilometers (40 miles) northeast of Baghdad, a similarly wayward mortar fell on a square filled with shops and cafes Thursday night, killing eight Iraqi civilians and wounding 18 others.    The area surrounded by palm trees and hedges offers a perfect cover for attackers to launch mortars against the Americans.    Iraqis try to keep their distance from US convoys, often hit by bombs, but nevertheless get caught up in attacks such as the blast that killed one and wounded 21 last Wednesday on a Baghdad minibus.    Witnesses said the minibus ran into the bomb on one of the capital's main arteries five minutes after an American military vehicle passed by....

Temat: Burnout 3 Takedown OST
...- "I Wanna Be Sedated" (from Road to Ruin) * Reggie and the Full Effect - "Congratulations Smack and Katy" (from Under the Tray) * Rise Against - "Paper Wings" (from Siren Song of the Counter Culture) * Sahara Hotnights - "Hot Night Crash" (from Kiss & Tell) * Silent Drive - "4/16" (from Love Is Worth It) * Sugarcult - "Memory" (from Palm Trees and Power Lines) * The Bouncing Souls - "Sing Along Forever" (from Anchors Aweigh) * The D4 - "Come On!" (from 6twenty) * The Donots - "Saccharine Smile" (from Amplify the Good Times) * The Explosion - "Here I Am" (from Black Tape) * The F-Ups - "Lazy Generation*" (from The F-Ups)[1] * The Futureheads - "Decent...

Temat: White Christmas
Tak, wszystko to prawda, ale jest tylko jedna drobnostka. Otóż 'White Christmas' Binga Crosby'ego zaczyna się od małego wstępu, tłumaczącego czemu biedaczek-narrator nagle marzy o białych Świętach (a jakie mają niby być, co?. Oto ten tekst: The sun is shining, the grass is green, The orange and palm trees sway... There's never been such a day In Beverly Hills, LA. But it's December the 24th, And I am longing to be up North: I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, etc...

Temat: Beware Austrias and Belgiums, here comes Poland! aspect that > some people consider higher than that available here. You are quite correct, I was hasitating if not to put Italy in a winners group together with UK, Germany and France, but I reconcidered since politically Italy is not as strong as one might thing and certainlly not as strong as other EU top 3... Still in terms of quallity of living itally is a...dollce vita!...yes I have to agree Polands pine and oaks can't match Italy's cypruses, palm trees and olives...and Wawel is not in the same category as rome Colliseum, not even Cracow's market square can not outshine St. Marco square in Vennice but... Italians and French share with Poland same roman catholic, southern in touch, more vibrent culture, as opposed to Germany, UK and other protestant north west EU countries. Well you have to look at it in the historical perspective, if you went back to year 1600 in Europe Poland was one of the...

Temat: Wyższość Talmudu nad Biblią żydo-chrześcijańską
...intercourse till he has waited long enough to walk half a mile, because the demon of the privy is with him for that time; if he does, his children will be epileptic." Gittin 69b. To heal the disease of pleurisy ("catarrh") a Jew should "take the excrement of a white dog and knead it with balsam, but if he can possibly avoid it he should not eat the dog's excrement as it loosens the limbs." Pesahim 111a. It is forbidden for dogs, women or palm trees to pass between two men, nor may others walk between dogs, women or

Temat: Za miesiąc wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego
WyJhRyUuhASNHxdigq Loyal customers who opt into your email list will likely not view these emails as spam and may purchase additional products and services from your business as a result of this marketing strategy, Solar Driveway Markers, Mgb Console Box For Sale, Better Off Alone Mp3, Browning Gold Hunter 3 1 2, Palm Trees South Florida, Montgomery County Arkansas Auditor 2007, Hayes And Wheelwright Four Stage Model, Worcester Regional Association Of Realtors, Craigslist San Jose, Patricia Heaton Cleavage, S10 Drag Truck, Body By Jake Bench, Restaurant In Singapore, How To Become A Fireman, Sage Xi2 Fly Rods On Sale, Joanna Lumley Images, Auto Locking Oven Cleaning, Tecumseh The Indian, Could Not Delete From Specified Tables, Passport Renewal Information,...

Temat: Pollution-proof palm trees
To określenie pojawiło się w następującym kontekście: ...he turned off into the tangled spaghetti of airport side roads, past pollution-proof palm trees and up to the gleeming modern blockhouses... Chodzi o Niceę. Wiem, że to miasto obfituje w palmy, ale czy ma to związek z jakimś specjalnym programem obsadzania go tymi drzewami, aby zneutralizować zanieczyszczenie środowiska? Czy są to może jakieś specjalne gatunki, bardziej odporne na zanieczyszczenia niż inne? Czy też chodzi o to, że generalnie zieleń stanowi przeciwwagę dla zanieczyszczeń, albo o to, że palmy, lepiej niż inne...

Temat: Phaselis Princess - Kemer (*****)
Phaselis Princess - Kemer (*****) The Phasalis Princess is a modern five star hotel bang on the Turkish Med. The setting is fantastic with Mount Tahtali Dagi rising 2,375 metres to the West, the lush gardens of the hotel, with its palm trees and other greenery then splendid azure of the Med to the East. We didn't expect an Art DĂŠco interior, but Art DĂŠco we got - right down to the cocktail sticks in the Lobby Bar. The main building is four storey and we stayed in a ground floor room in the two storey annexey thing. The hotel has all the facilities you could wish for. The centre piece is the large irregular shaped pool with its central bar, where you can actually sit in the pool whilst supping at...

Temat: Propaganda USA!!!!
...claiming to be in the inner suburbs of Baghdad – which was untrue; indeed, the story was designed, I'm sure, to provoke panic and vulnerability among the Iraqis. True or false, the stories failed. Across vast fields of sand and dirt and palm groves, I saw batteries of Sam-6 anti-aircraft missiles and multiple Katyusha rocket launchers awaiting the American advance. The soldiers around them looked relaxed, some smoking cigarettes in the shade of the palm trees or sipping fruit juice brought to them by the residents of Qadisiya whose homes – heaven help them – were now in the firing line. But then there was the white-painted Japanese pick-up truck that pulled out in front of my car. At first, I thought the soldiers on the back were sleeping, covered in blankets to keep them warm. Yet I had opened my car window to keep cool this early summer morning and I realised that all the soldiers –...

Temat: Mija trzecia rocznica inwazji na Irak
...theorist, of the neoconservative thinking that underpinned the Bush administration's decision to go to war. Fukuyama's "The End of History" was an influential neoconservative text. The 1992 bestseller argued that democratic liberal capitalism was the best social and economic system and that all countries would eventually adopt it. So what's wrong, asked Bush administration neocons, with invading Iraq and creating a Switzerland with palm trees along the Tigris? Wouldn't it be just another step on the march toward history's end? No, says Fukuyama. `Leninist' Bush Neocons in the Bush administration bent his theories to their own purposes, embarking on what political scientist Ken Jowitt calls a ``Leninist'' foreign policy designed to drive history in a certain direction. ``I did not like the original version of Leninism,'' Fukuyama notes acidly, ``and was skeptical when the...

Temat: dla niemieckojęzycznych.
...the picture because it gets somewhat foggy after a few litres of coconut whiskey. However, they are satisfied because the English aren't having any fun. * The two American men are contemplating suicide, because the American woman will not shut up and complains relentlessly about her body, the true nature of feminism, what the sun is doing to her skin, how she can do anything they can do, the necessity of fulfilment, the equal division of household chores, how sand and palm trees make her look fat, how her last boyfriend respected her opinion and treated her nicer than they do, and how her relationship with her mother is the root cause of all her problems, and why didn't they bring a goddamn cell phone so they could call 911 and get them all rescued off this godforsaken deserted island in the middle of nowhere so she can get her nails done and go shopping ... ************************** Kłaniam się nisko.

Temat: Delta Sharm-proszę o wszelie informacje
...half-board room rate incorporates buffet breakfast and dinner each day. Guests have a choice of dining experiences that vary in formality and cuisine; from à la carte Italian, Oriental and Lebanese themed restaurants, to light snacks at the beach and poolside bars. The hotel's health facilities include jetted tubs, steam baths and a sauna, and there is also a lagoon-style swimming pool, which is overlooked by a wooden outdoor terrace set within palm trees and greenery, where guests can enjoy drinks and meals. There are many bars and cafes, such as the Bedouin Corner which has authentic decor, and guests can enjoy Egyptian teas and shisha water pipes with many flavours. Multilingual staff at the 24-hour front desk can assist with transport and entertainment bookings, as well as tour advice. Day trips can be organized to a number of attractions; these include Mount Sinai, where the Moses is said...

Temat: Kreta - kilka pytań
...calm waters and other days having great waves to crash yourself into. Splashing in the water in the evening was lovely and a great way to experience the sunsets, which happen shortly after 8pm. The Atlantis Beach hotel is in a decent location. While it was not as idyllic as I thought it would be from the brochure photos, it was far enough away from the choked town entrance and close enough (a 20 minute walk) to Reythmno center. The hotel was clean, lots of flowers and palm trees to give it a lovely feel. The pool was kind of small but was pleasant. The rooms were small and the bathroom had a few aesthetic glitches. The air conditioning was just a bit of noise, I suspect, to give the impression of air conditioning. Opening the sliding door to the miniscule balcony provided ventilation, especially on breezy nights. The staff gave the impression of being accomodating without being truly helpful at times. After several...
