Oferty banków – lokaty, kredyty, waluty
Temat: Guns N roses - discography ...1. "Chinese Democracy" Axl Rose, Josh Freese 4:43
2. "Shackler's Revenge" Rose, Buckethead, Caram Costanzo, Bryan Mantia, Pete Scaturro 3:37
3. "Better" Rose, Robin Finck 4:58
4. "Street of Dreams" Rose, Tommy Stinson, Dizzy Reed 4:46
5. "If the World" Rose, Chris Pitman 4:54
6. "There Was a Time" Rose, Paul Tobias, Reed 6:41
7. "Catcher in the Rye" Rose, Tobias 5:53
8. "Scraped" Rose, Carroll, Costanzo 3:30
9. "Riad n' the Bedouins" Rose, Stinson 4:10
10. "Sorry" Rose, Carroll, Mantia, Scaturro 6:14
11. "I.R.S." Rose, Tobias, Reed 4:28
12. "Madagascar" Rose, Pitman 5:38
13. "This I Love" Rose 5:34
14. "Prostitute" Rose, Tobias... Źródło: nedds.pl/index.php?showtopic=414695
Temat: GUNS N' ROSES CHINESE DEMOCRACY (Rose, Freese) Guitars: Paul Tobias, Robin Finck, Buckethead, Ron Bumblefoot Thal, Richard Fortus Bass: Tommy Stinson Drums: Frank Ferrer Keyboards: Dizzy Reed, Chris Pitman, Axl Rose Background Vocals: Dizzy Reed, Tommy Stinson Sub bass: Chris Pitman Guitar Solos: Robin Finck, Buckethead Intro: Eric Caudieux, Caram Costanzo Vocals: Axl Rose Arrangement: Rose, Tobias, Beavan Digital Editing: Eric Caudieux, Caram Costanzo, Axl Rose, Sean Beavan Additional guitar processing:... Źródło: overkill.pl/forwhom/viewtopic.php?t=198
Temat: GUNS N' ROSES żadna nowośc kawałek znany już od paru dobrych lat ale robi jak najbardziej pozytywne wrażenie , kolejna wersja jeszcze bardziej podbajerowana niż punkowy pierwowzór (niepotrzebnie - solówki pod zwrotkami ?!) ale gdzieś musi się wykazać 4 gitarzystow (Robin Finck, Buckethead, Bumblefoot, Richard Fortus i Paul Tobias) , jeden bas (Tommy Stinson) i sub-bass (Chris Pitman) (!) Źródło: overkill.pl/forwhom/viewtopic.php?t=198