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Temat: PArkour / free-running book
...going to have to disagree with you, Danno. I believe we should respect the people who are willing to invest some of their time on helping the community, and we should also welcome the people who come here looking for help. This site was created so that traceurs can help each other. Those who prefer to spend their time focusing on their own training are free to do just that. Many traceurs do that, and it's ok. However, I believe it is wrong to criticise the people who wish to visit Parkour forums, otherwise this site has no purpose of existence. I would also like to mention that I have met many people who "went out there and moved" and most of them ended up with permanent injuries. I have also met many people who actually studied Parkour and are doing very well with themselves now.

Temat: SiteMap
...llGeneral lArtĂ­culos sobre Parkour en general llDiscusión general sobre Parkourl llTĂŠcnicas y movimientos lArtĂ­culos sobre tĂŠcnicas y movimientos llDiscusión sobre tĂŠcnicas y movimientosl llSalud y fitness lArtĂ­culos sobre salud y fitness llDiscusión sobre salud y fitnessll llParkour in other languages lForum polskojezyczne lNews llOgólnie o Parkour llTechniki llZdrowie i fitnessll llLocal areas parkour forums lEurope lBalkan llDeutschland llEspaĂąa llItalia llFrance llNederland llÖsterreich llPolska llSchweiz / Suisse / Switzerland llUnited Kingdom llPortugall llAmerica lUnited States of America llBrazil llCanadal llAsia llOceania llAfrical llMedias (parkour videos) lParkour training videos llInspiring parkour videos llNon parkour inspiring videosl llOff-topic lOff-topic...

Temat: La MĂŠthode Naturelle de Georges HĂŠbert
Haha yeah you must have been around the parkour forums for long traceurs who have put out much more impressive media then me show up here and there all the time its cool community that way. I am not sure if Hebert inspired the playground it makes since considering his influences on Les Parcours du Combat which could easily have been inspirations for playgrounds.

Temat: New Zealand Parkour
NZ parkour Forums - Discussions, organize trainings/meets etc etc... See you there! Aaron

Temat: Keaton
Hi, Im Brett aka KEATON. I am new to this forum so thought Id better say hello Im from Brighton, Sussex, UK. I train at jams in my area but Im also a tumbler. I sometimes get told to bu**** off parkour forums cos I tend to mix the disciplines (ie a bit off allsorts) and I know it upsets pk purists, but I dont think Id be faithful to my skills if I didnt use what I have - if you know what I mean?! I tend to be pretty easy going. Love training, love learning new stuff, love 'doing my thing' and Im also into gaming in a big way. )

Temat: Mental tips and tricks
Click to view attachmentClick to view attachmentClick to view attachment I totally agree with sLim, I find that if I over-think something I will psyche myself out. I do it lots though, It is almost impossible for me to completely clear my mind. Maybe I should start meditating? Yeah maybe you should... Check out this website...I know it is in french but I translated it as accurately as possible for the Parkour community (also posted in other parkour forums) so here is the link, and the translated documents are attached to this post. I know it is off-topic but for those interested, I also translated the Warm-up section of the website (because it is also part of the website)

Temat: FAQ
...aufsuchen. Der ist dafĂźr zuständig, wenn was mit euren Knochen oder Gelenken nicht stimmt. 8. Gibt es noch andere Seiten, die sich mit Parkour beschäftigen? - Ja, sehr viele sogar. Aber nur einige sind empfehlenswert: Parkour One FREE YOUR MIND - Parkourgruppe international ADD Berlin - Parkourgruppe Berlin - Parkour in Österreich 9. Gibt es Tracers in meiner Umgebung? - Um das herauszufinden gibt es folgenden Anlaufpunkt: Local areas Parkour forums 10. Wo gibt es in meiner Nähe eine Turnhalle, in der ich trainieren kann? - Die Frage ist nicht allgemein zu beantworten, da es nicht in jeder Stadt Hallen gibt, die Tracers zur VerfĂźgung stehen. Anlaufstelle ist hierbei der entsprechende Forumsbereich. 11. Wo kann ich in meiner Nähe trainieren? - Das ist auch wieder umgebungsabhängig. Mach einfach deine Augen auf und schau' dir deine Umgebung mal mit anderen Augen an. Betrachte...

Temat: Mattress Fun
This is a Parkour forum, so I think you shouldn't post this Video here. Look for an Tricking / Freerunning Forum. I just can't understand why some people post stuff in Parkour Forums, but don't know what Parkour is. Because if they knew, they wouldn't post a Tricking Video in a Parkour Forum. Bye, Sven

Temat: italian section
Italian parkour forums are now present. There may have some permissions problems, and I'm waiting the names of the moderators/translators/publishers who will moderate and publish articles and news to give them the correct permissions.
