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Temat: News- Penhaligon’s: Lily & Spice (ang.)
...part of what ClĂŠro, who was named ceo of the brand last September*, dubs “The Penhaligon's Renaissance […] We want to rebuild the most selective English fragrance brand.” The brand has reduced the number of items in its perfumery and accessories range, which has been redesigned in a cleaner style based on different product stories, such as Bluebell and Malabah. Lily & Spice is a new fragrance devised by Penhaligon's creative director Pamela Roberts, which will launch in October. “There are very few truly English perfumery brands on the market today,” Rodriguez states. “The changes represent a return to authenticity which appeals to a younger audience.” *ClĂŠro holds the same title for France's L'Artisan Parfumeur and US skincare line Erno Laszlo, despite the disbanding of the holding company created in 2002 to house the brands, Cradle...
