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Temat: BBC Forced to Admit Inaccurcy and Correct Itself this hour last Friday about the attack by a Palestinian gunman on a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem. In the report, the day after the attack, BBC World said that the gunman's home in east Jerusalem had been demolished by the Israeli authorities. That was not correct, and the images broadcast were of another demolition." The fabrication was exposed by Boston-based media monitor CAMERA, which revealed that the images used by the BBC were similar to photos taken by the Palestinian news agency Maan from the demolition of the house belonging to Islamic Jihad leader Muhammad Shehadeh in Bethlehem on March 7. In a second incident, in a news item entitled "Israel jets strike northern Gaza" on March 14 on their News Web site, the BBC reported that Israel was deliberately targeting civilians in an operation targeting Kassam rocket launch sites in Gaza, and claiming that the United Nations secretary-general had described it...

Temat: Życie 1 chłopca z jesziwy jest warte więcej niż 1000 Arabów
"> Maxiu, posuwasz się za daleko. Potraktuj to jako oficjalne ostrzeżenie. Palestinian daily honors Sbarro terrorist as "heroic" by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, Apr. 8, 2008 Netherlands and Denmark fund terror glorification, hate language of Palestinian news agency By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook April 4, 2008 A

Temat: Proces pokojowy miedzy Izraelem a Palestynczykami
RSS z Haaretz : 00:09 Palestinian news agency: Abbas ready to renew peace talks with Israel (Reuters) ile jeszcze razy trzeba będzie nie uwierzyć nikomu w nic ...
